I've found my evil twin!

Seems back in 1997, a guy named John Huber who lived on 8th Street in Bremerton decided to skip town whilst in hock to Uncle Sam to the tune of just over $17,000. In comes our hero (yours truly) 9 years later who is trying to buy this lovely home you see in the picture. When a title search was performed, guess what turns up? You guessed it. The title company thinks that I may be that same John Huber that is, by now, in much deeper doo doo with the government than he was when that paper was printed back in 1997. The problem was cleared up quickly when our social security numbers were compared. I would hate to be that other John Huber. Funny how something as innocent as a title search on a house can turn up the most obscure things in someone's background... even if it isn't your own background. Remember... Big Brother really is watching.

Seems back in 1997, a guy named John Huber who lived on 8th Street in Bremerton decided to skip town whilst in hock to Uncle Sam to the tune of just over $17,000. In comes our hero (yours truly) 9 years later who is trying to buy this lovely home you see in the picture. When a title search was performed, guess what turns up? You guessed it. The title company thinks that I may be that same John Huber that is, by now, in much deeper doo doo with the government than he was when that paper was printed back in 1997. The problem was cleared up quickly when our social security numbers were compared. I would hate to be that other John Huber. Funny how something as innocent as a title search on a house can turn up the most obscure things in someone's background... even if it isn't your own background. Remember... Big Brother really is watching.
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