Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter everyone.

I guess I have been very lacking to say the least regarding my blog updates. What's been going on at the Huber house? Well, Nannette just finished her second quarter at Olympic College and is doing very well. Her first quarter she earned a GPA of 4.0 and this quarter will probably be the same. I am extremely proud of her.
Emily just spent 3 days / 2 nights out at Olympic Park Institute where they learned a bunch of stuff about the outdoors. Hopefully Emily will get to go again next year as a 6th grader.
I am on the waiting list for 2 online classes at Green River Community College. I've decided to go back to school and study geology. It's always interested me and I've been wanting to go back to school but to finish the engineering program I started back at Anne Arundel CC didn't thrill me.
Anyway, not much of an update. Maybe once I get into school I'll have more to write about.
Happy Easter!